The Great Flag

The Heaven’s Thunder calamity descended from the heavens like a majesty that looks at everything else with disdain. Just when it was about to clash with the rising Buddha-light, it shifted its angle slightly, barely missing the Buddha-light and continued its downward strike.

The crossing of the silver and golden heavenly lights was indeed a sight to behold.

The demon monk Bu Le’s face was full of shock, he did not understand why the calamity made a turn. He let out a strange cry, jumped to his feet and pulled Wen Leyang and Mumu behind him as he frantically ran away from the magic circle.

The expansive Heaven’s Thunder was like a shadow, following them everywhere.

The old demon monk knew that they could never outrun it, but not running wasn’t an option. He could not just look upwards idly and wait for Heaven’s Thunder to strike.