
The weak sunlight was not what the Qilian disciples’ expected and was not able to get rid of their irritation. Instead, it was like a few drops of oil that were added into glue, causing a greater mess, making it repulsive.

The bamboo whistle shattered into countless pieces with a ‘pa’. However, the strange noise in the surrounding, which got faster and then slower, became even more cheerful.

Little Chi Maojiu opened his eyes with a great force, caught all the fragments of the bamboo whistle in front of him and thrust the fragments into the vital fire that was dancing enchantingly. The golden vital fire was like a venomous snake, which was stabbed by a steel awl. It released a sharp howl, which resonated deep within everyone’s eardrums. It then jumped up forcefully, turned into a thick blood-red flame and crashed into the stone forest!