The Kunlun Sect

Fifth Brother transformed himself from a person with slightly delayed reaction, who preferred to jump up and down vertically, into a zombie corpse with terrifying features. His appearance became revolting.

With ugly Qin Zhui, Wen Leyang was not afraid of how ugly Fifth Brother was. However, Wen Leyang was terrified by the zombie corpse’s actual power that had enhanced vastly. The zombie corpse could easily destroy the two master cultivators of Eyang Sect, calmly dodged the attack of the Thunder Heart Sand and even turned the entire City God Temple into a stretch of land of evil spirits!

Standing in the middle of the circle formed by the protective Poison Stream’s undercurrent, Chi Maojiu looked towards the drought spirit white hair that was densely arranged such that it covered his vision before his eyes. He dared not budge at all. Trembling in fear, he asked Wen Leyang, "Is Fifth Brother Hanba a good person or an evil person?"