Soul Devouring

Xiang Liu had nine heads and nine souls. Ice Cone Nail was smashed by Chang Li two thousand years ago resulting in the escape of one of the souls. Hanba had been killing demons and extracting their primordial energy in the past two thousand years, which, according to the speculation of the Sword Immortals of the Black and White Island, was to keep this evil soul to survive and thrive. The resurrected Cone Nail was in an inimical yet symbiosis relationship with this evil soul. When one dies, the other will follow. At the moment, Sword Immortal Tian Shu no longer wanted to kill the evil soul but wanted to seize it alive to threaten Cone Nail to return to Black and White Island to form the original formation to subdue the monster.

The crucial figure in locating Xiang Liu at the moment would be the boss of ‘Year 221 Before Christ’ porcelain shop, Fifth Brother, who was being hunted by Cone Nail.