Tibetan Buddhism Sect

Wen Leyang and the group were stunned by lama Rangjung's words. They stood there gawking at each other for some time. They had so many questions but did not know where to start.

The group stood around looking puzzled, head lama Rangjung was in no hurry explain though. Instead, he took out a flute, which was a foot long, from the front of his robes.

When Wen Leyang saw the object Rangjung held in his hands, he gritted his teeth and moved in front to shield everyone. The expressions on some of the elder Qilian Immortal Sect disciples grew dark. They drew their swords and pointed them towards the lama!

They could tell with just a glance that the flute Rangjung had pulled out was made of human bone! There were marks across the bone, one end was tipped in silver. Under the sad and lonely moonlight, the flute emanated a cold lifelessness! Back on the central plains, only the demon people of the evil cults were known to make magic weapons out of bones.