
In the eyes of the line of Chaos cone nail, the entire world was a giant playground. The fierce wolf, the green grass, the young girl's red lips, the poop of wild boar, they were no different from every other thing, they were all their playthings.

If an ordinary person were to act this way, the world would only scoff at them, fools!

However, the line of Chaos cone nail had outstanding abilities and a savage nature!

Wen Leyang even suspected that the politeness and friendliness showed by this fat and skinny Mo brothers were completely out of their love for their toys.

The fat man Mo Yibai excitedly recounted to Chang Li the 'interesting things' which he had done all these years. An impatient look clearly showed on the golden monkey's face. He asked him coldly, "How many men have you brothers killed all these years?"