Turning Into A Dragon

When the Mourning Cauldron leaped, the Yin flames that burned enchantingly within it froze suddenly as if time had stopped without a warning.

Both Cone Nail and Chang Li forgot about crying. They almost screamed at the same time. With some unknown strength, they leaped like two furious mother cats and pounced towards that Mourning Cauldron. Wen Leyang's death was originally all but certain when he was thrown into the Mourning Cauldron but the perceptive, master-acknowledging 'You've Got Me' was still very much alive. That, and the Mourning Cauldron had shown some strange changes, they saw a ray of hope.

The two female demons had just made their moves when the corpse figurines also moved suddenly. They quickly parted and shielded the Mourning Cauldron from the front. Their hollow eyes looked fiercely at Chang Li and Cone Nail.