Moon Cone Nail

Wen Leyang never thought that Red Pot would be in the village. He had wanted to walk over and pinch it, but he never thought that Red pot would see the annihilating cauldron and suicide bow in his hands. It squalled with a 'gu' and leaped in front of him from afar. Its bulging eyes were filled with puzzlement, "Young lad, these… are my treasures, right? Why are they in your hands?"

Wen Leyang secretly thought that that was his line.

As it said this, Red Pot added with a mumble, "Don't tell me that under the heavens… there are duplicates?"

Little supreme leader Liu Zheng chuckled from the side, "It's not only these two!"

Red Pot opened its mouth wide and looked at Liu Zheng, "How many more?"

Cone Nail and Chang Li had sharp minds. They recognized that these were Red Pot's belongings and they knew what kind of thunder magic the cauldron could conjure. They exchanged a glance and walked over, shoulder to shoulder.