Aerial Battle

"Only by knowing your own strength and your enemy's prowess will you be able to survive a hundred wars."

This isn't a new adage, but I have always believed that if one isn't even sure how much troops their enemy holds in their hands, then the war shouldn't be fought in the first place.

"Those who forethink more brings victories, while those who forethink less brings losses, needless to say, not forethinking at all." Often, the conclusion of a negotiation is determined by the current circumstances of both parties. I believe that the results of war are also the same, determined before it even begins. A war that doesn't bring interest and without a possibility of victory is a war that one shouldn't start.

TL: This is famous phrase in China which before a war, the king and generals will gather to discuss their current situation and the enemy's situation. So, the more they know/discuss, the more they win. The less they know/discuss, the more they lose.