The Powerful Sure Have Messy Lifestyles

"They've already been in there for seven days. Why haven't they come out yet?"

Little Red was in quite a foul mood. And her mood only worsened as time passed.

Dragons were the epitome of the dictionary's definition of "impatient." This was especially so for Red Dragons who also served as the dictionary's definitions for "arrogance," "unreasonable," and "bad at listening to others."

While dragons were all one species, the differences among them were huge. Although they had managed to escape from needing to fight in the eternal Holy War, Red, White, Black, Green, Blue, and other Color Dragons were all the Chaos Goddess's creations and were viewed as part of the Chaos Faction. Considering the fact that the most representative species of Chaos, the demons, had terrible tempers, in a way that was the best evidence for how difficult Color Dragons were to get along with.