Plains and the Eternal Thunder Tribe

The aerial battle continued. The tactics the Tigermen used against the White Dragon reminded me of how a pack of wolves would surround and hunt a large water buffalo.

These Tigermen were obviously sly and experienced hunters. They used the most agile unit among them as bait that'd repeatedly fly around in front of the White Dragon. As long as the unit attracted the White Dragon's attention and dragonbreath, the others would continuously swarm it and worsen the injuries on the White Dragon's back and wings.

Whenever the White Dragon furiously tried to counterattack and do everything it could to kill its mortal enemies, these Tigermen would scatter. Their wyvern steeds were swift and capable of making sharp turns in midair. White Dragons were well known for being clumsy and stupid, and this particular one was unable to follow them. The advantage of the wyverns' smaller size proved quite useful here.