My Affairs

In a way, the Undead Emperors really were quite sly.

When would be the best time to whitewash your own reputation? Of course, that would be when a powerful mutual enemy appeared. Karwenz suddenly becoming public enemy #1 of the entire world made it so that even an Undead Emperor could become acceptable.

The ancient undead of the Tark Republic had already showed what side they were on by helping the humans against the ogres in San Antonio. The newly reestablished Tark Republic in the northern ice islands was no longer considered an extreme threat, but rather a trustworthy ally.

At the very least, until this Holy War was completely finished, nobody would want to make an enemy out of the Undead Emperors.

I felt rather conflicted inside as I looked at the seemingly nice old man in front of me.

Was Sandro trustworthy? Even if I thought about it with my knee that always got shot by arrows, it was quite obvious that all Undead Emperors were untrustworthy.