Blade Duel at Cang Lin (26)

In the underground cave, the battle turned into a drawn-out fight. The fire ape was good at fighting. It moved up and down the walls like it was a flat surface, and there was no observable rhythm to the leaps and jumps that it took all over the room. The beast was fast and cunning, making it incredibly hard to read. The space within the entire cave was its three-dimensional battlefield, but in contrast, there was not much space the players could utilize to their advantage. If not for the firearms that Xiao Tan and Laughing Soul possessed, they would have been caught in a close-quarter combat with this dangerous fire ape.

"This is not going well. We have wasted plenty of ammunition, but we have not done much damage to that monster." Laughing Soul turned her body sideways to speak to Xiao Tan. "I am afraid before we exhaust it, we will have exhausted our bullets."