Early month trailer 1510

The evening clouds gathered the cold air, and the silver man silently turned the Jade plate.

If this night in this life doesn't last long, where will the bright moon be next year?

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the new month trailer again. Since I'm too lazy to write my own limericks as the opening, I'll invite Dong Guo ... Oh, no... I mean, scholar Dongpo to do it for me.

Don't mind the details. Let's talk about the progress of the writing ...

In September, I completed the magnificent feat of being on full duty. Yes, even if you were to squint your eyes in front of the screen and cast me a disdainful look, I would still say that this was a "magnificent feat."

I'll maintain this pace of updates in October, but I'll probably still randomly pick a day to use a leave of absence or something.