You’re Just A Pretentious Do-Gooder

Without even needing to validate his guess, Song Shi Cheng already knew the youngster he was facing right now was the original protagonist he had created for his novel. A meeting between them was ultimately inevitable.

"This little bastard! How the hell did he got released so quickly?!" Ji Jing shouted.

She was extremely furious the moment she saw Ye Tian.

Ye Wen Sheng hesitated for a moment before whispering, "I heard the police wrapped up their investigation and allowed him to be bailed out."

Chen Guo Tao felt that he also had to say something, thus he added, "I have already told the human resources department to dismiss him. I believe he's here today to pack up his personal belongings."

This was to make it clear where he stood and also where their relationship stood.

"His release must have something to do with the Ma family. I really don't know why such a poor brat is worthy of their protection," Ji Jing said. She was like a tigress fiercely protecting her cub. She then restlessly and indignantly continued, "I will definitely not let this brat off easy. I want him to pay a painful price for hurting Ah Cheng!"

Song Shi Cheng who was listening off to the side started to feel strange. It seems like he had yet to adapt to his current transformation and his current standing. The protagonist was after all the character a novel author would have the deepest bond with. The author would write as many boons and advantages as possible for the protagonist. The author would also include a lot of face slapping scenes on the protagonist's journey to the peak.

Ye Tian naturally would not be an exception. If not, he would just be another regular commoner. There would be no way for him to have so many fortuitous encounters and meet so many people from high society.

If he hadn't been reborn, he would have written in this scene that the Song family would bribe other suspects in detention to murder Ye Tian. This plot would later be uncovered by the senior government official Ye Tian had previously saved making it easy for him to avoid this peril to his life. In turn, the conventional script of the suspects singing like a canary would follow.

The original established script had been completely overturned now because of Song Shi Cheng's decision to let the legal system to take its course. Although the senior government official and Ma family would like to protect Ye Tian, there were no circumstances where they could escape punishment after breaking the law under such a corrupt-free judicial system and government.

As such, Ye Tian would continue to be in a disadvantageous position provided the Song family didn't engage in any illegal activities. Although Ye Tian hadn't suffered any hardships during detention, it would still be difficult for him to escape the law's punishment.

Given the ambiguity of the case where both sides were maintaining their innocence, the police could only wrap up their investigation and pass over the results to the prosecutor so that it could be moved on to the next phase of the judicial proceedings. Ye Tian had been released after Ma Jin Biao had posted bail because of this.

Regardless of what Ye Tian's future may hold, Song Shi Cheng was now standing in the opposite camp. Future conflicts were therefore unavoidable. He would only end up suffering a tragic end if he continued to remain soft-hearted and irresolute. As such, Song Shi Cheng could only change his mind-set after being spurred by his rationality.

Now that God had assigned him the role as an antagonist and had given him a Golden Finger system, he might as well commit suicide if he still didn't attempt to make a comeback. He had to at least try to turn himself into the new protagonist. Since he had created the protagonist, he could also destroy him!

"Mom, there's no need to be so upset. Just wait for the judge to sentence him to a few years in prison and let's see how long he can last inside there," Song Shi Cheng said.

He consoled his mother with such reasoning even though he knew that throwing the brat into prison wasn't a good choice. At the same moment, Ye Tian came over.

"Song Shi Cheng, stand right there!" He yelled.

What? Do you still want to beat me up? He thought.

Song Shi Cheng just turned his head to look at him without showing the slightest sign of worry. He should exercise caution in his own actions. As long as he didn't take the initiative to murder Ye Tian, Ye Tian wouldn't dare to risk making a move on him in return at this sensitive juncture.

At this time, the prosecutor would be keeping a close eye on both Ye Tian and him. Whoever dared to cause trouble before the trial would inevitably affect the judge's final ruling on the case. It was just that the rest of the group wasn't as calm. Ji Jing was tightly holding on to her son's arm while Ye Wen Sheng was standing in front of them.

"Little Tian, are you planning to hurt Young Master Song again right in front of me?" he asked.

"Third Uncle, I am truly indebted to you for nurturing me and also respect how you have always conducted yourself. Why would you obstinately persist in going about things the wrong way and standing on the side of an evildoer?" Ye Tian asked in dissatisfaction.

"You don't have to concern yourself with my matters. The Song family has been treating me graciously. My loyalty is to the Song family and my conscience is clear," Ye Wen Sheng resolutely answered. "As for you Little Tian, why are you continuously getting into conflict with the Song family if you still care about our relationship? Aren't you returning my favor with treachery?"

"Third Uncle, aren't you just unable to tell right from wrong? The Song family has committed all sorts of atrocities. You will only be harming yourself by following them," Ye Tian said in frustration.

Ye Wen Sheng wanted to continue his argument with Ye Tian but Song Shi Cheng stepped forward to refrain him from doing so.

"Ah Cheng, don't be impulsive!" Ji Jing exclaimed.

"Don't worry mom. I am just going to have a chat with him," Song Shi Cheng said calmly. He walked in front of Ye Tian and smiled, "Actually, I'm too lazy to even talk to you before the trial. However, now that you are disparaging Uncle Ye, I see the need to give you a piece of my mind."

"What game are you trying to play now?" Ye Tian stared back at him unyieldingly.

"Resorting to violence at the slightest hint of disagreement, is this how the righteous should behave?" Song Shi Cheng asked.

Ye Tian was stumped and doubt could be seen in his eyes. He felt that Song Shi Cheng was behaving rather abnormally today. When Ye Tian first saw him, he had expected Song Shi Cheng to denounce him the moment they met. Instead, he had just given him a glance leaving Ye Tian totally disoriented.

This was totally not the style of Song Shi Cheng at all! Ye Tian couldn't help but take the initiative to approach Song Shi Cheng but Song Shi Cheng's calm demeanor was totally out of his expectations.

Before Ye Tian could even collect himself, Song Shi Cheng continued, "Let me ask you another question. Just because someone doesn't agree with you does it mean that anyone who doesn't share your beliefs or doesn't get along with you are all villains?"

"You're making an unfounded accusation here. Since when have I said anything along those lines?" Ye Tian retorted, "But you, Song Shi Cheng are definitely a villain. Haven't both your family and you committed atrocities?"

"That's right, without a doubt both my family and I had made some mistakes." Song Shi Cheng calmly said. "What about all the good deeds our family has done? Why are you discounting them? Just the taxes our family pays the government each year are in the billions. The government has used this money to build hospitals, schools, public infrastructure and provide social welfare to the poor.

"All these things I just mentioned are good for the society. There were also the donations we made to certain charities each year, job creation and support given to government campaigns. I'm just too lazy to continue with this subject. Although our family isn't exactly filled with saints, we have still made a lot of contributions towards the general public and the greater good.

"What about you? I'm pretty sure the taxes you have paid to date wouldn't even be enough to pay for the clothes I'm currently wearing. Oh yes, you must have made quite a lot side income recently for curing quite a few of the high officials and prominent figures.

"As far as I know, you immediately went and bought a car and a house with the money you received. Comrade Ye Tian, why didn't you put forth your kindness and virtue and instead donate all that money to help out the poor?"

"You…" Ye Tian's expression turned sour.

"What do you mean by You? I have met too many hypocrites like you who normally like to stand from a moral high ground and judge others. They raise all sorts of questions about said moral high ground the moment they find a minor problem.

"However, they personally have all sorts of skeletons hidden in their closet yet they expect others to behave like saints. As such, doesn't that make you one of those pretentious do-gooders?" Song Shi Cheng said.

He lambasted Ye Tian without giving him the opportunity to defend himself. The words had come flowing out smoothly and elegantly. Not only had the sarcasm turned Ye Tian's face red, but it had also rendered both Ji Jing and Ye Wen Sheng speechless.

Even Chen Guo Tao, who always maintained a poker face, had his eyes bulging out in disbelief. Since when did this idiotic young master of the Song family transform into someone who was calm, stable, wise and quick-witted? It was as if he had transformed into a totally different person.

Could the concussion he had suffered truly have shocked him into a state of enlightenment?