The Plum Tree Sacrifices Itself For The Peach Tree

The two luxury cars travelled smoothly along the road and quickly arrived at a five star hotel.

Feng Hua Grand Hotel.

This was a hotel Song Shi Cheng was extremely familiar with as it was frequently mentioned in the novel. It had routinely been used as the place for important meal scenes. Off course, it was also a place where the protagonist had performed many face-slapping scenes and got to know many prominent figures.

At the same time, this was one of the most famous hotel in Hua Hai and also a hotel under the umbrella of Feng Hua Group. He also remembered writing Yong Master Song having a lot of one night stands here in one of the presidential suite which was exclusively his.

As the cars arrived at the destination, the doorkeeper opened the car doors for them to be welcomed by the hotel's General Manager and his entourage of staff.

"Greetings, Chairlady!"

"Greetings, Young Master Song!"

"Greetings, Chairman Chen!"

Chen Guo Tao had walked over and jokingly said, "I will be settling the bill today. Although this hotel belongs to your family, I have already mentioned earlier I will be hosting. So, I must keep my word."

"We'll be relatives soon. Is there still a need to be so courteous?" Ji Jing just laughed. She didn't really mind such trivialities. Both the Feng Hua Group and Qing Mao Group have been collaborating closely for many years now. As such, all the expenses the other party incurred in their own company are normally just written off as business expenses.

Take the instance this time round, Song Shi Cheng had stayed so long in Qing Mao Hospital's VIP ward yet the subject of money had never been raised. All in all, both companies wouldn't nit-pick on such trivialities given their close relationship and long-term collaboration.

The group walked into the hotel room ushered passionately by the General Manager and his entourage. This had caused Song Shi Cheng to feel uncomfortable. It was fortunate that he was able to maintain his composure since the day he had mentally accepted his newfound elevated status.

Once they have arrived at the elevator, all the other staffs had dispersed leaving only the restaurant manager to wait upon them.

Taking advantage of the time they need to wait for the elevator, Ji Jing asked how the hotel's recent business had been doing and could only shook lightly when she heard the answer.

It seems like the hotel's business had been doing poorly recently.

Song Shi Cheng was very well aware why Feng Hua Group's businesses were doing poorly at this point in time.

Since the scandal of Old Song getting shot on the head for withholding the workers' pay was exposed, Feng Hua Group's reputation had gone down the drain. Moreover, Netizens had launched a boycott campaign on Feng Hua Group which had led to a significant decline in their hotel, real estate and other operation businesses activity.

When the author wrote about the boycott, his intention was to weaken the antagonist power and at the same time give the protagonist a chance to make a comeback. This is one big pit hole he had to slowly fill up. Otherwise, he will no longer have the power to ride roughshod over anyone.

A waiter had pushed open a door on the top floor revealing a lavishly furnished and brightly lit private room. The whole private room encompassed more than 200 square meters and was partitioned into a few different areas. There was a reception area, tea area and an area with a huge round table with rotating table top.

The two sides facing southwest was walled with glass windows from the floor up to the ceiling. The waiter pulled open the curtains revealing the bustling scenery of Hua Hai City. One will get the feeling of standing above all men by standing beside the windows.

"Come over Xiao Yan. You'll sit next to Ah Cheng." Chen Guo Tao had intentionally arranged the seating.

Chen Xiao Yan was very unwilling to do so but she didn't dare to disobey her father. Thus she had no choice but to sit next to Song Shi Cheng.

Both Ji Jing and Ye Wen Shengs brows furrowed when they saw what was happening. Both of them increasingly felt that there was a hidden motive behind Chen Guo Tao's meal arrangement this time round.

Song Shi Cheng had also noticed the abnormality. Thus, he patiently waited for Chen Guo Tao to reveal what was up his sleeve. The moment he sat down though, he could smell a wisp of scent coming from his side. Thus, he could refrain himself to turn his head looking.

Although Song Shi Cheng saw Chen Xiao Yan every day when he was hospitalised, it was the first time he realised how stunningly beautiful the heroine was now that they were in close proximity. What's more, Chen Xiao Yan was no longer just wearing a bland white medical coat. She had changed into a white sleeveless tunic dress that not only did it not smother out her fair skin, on the contrary it had augment the skin as if it were pure smooth jade. Not only that, it had also brought out an elegant and noble temperament in Chen Xiao Yan.

On top of that, Chen Xiao Yan possessed slender long legs, arms and neck free of fat, silk smooth long hair and exquisite facial features.

It's just regrettable that Song Shi Cheng had to stop appreciating the beauty when Chen Xiao Yan coldly looked him in the eyes. He could only turn his head back straight and was absent-mindedly playing with his fingers.

Song Shi Cheng could only smile bitterly. Instead of being discouraged, he was now even more motivated to figure out a way to seduce and win over her heart.

As the antagonist, he suddenly felt the challenge of winning over the protagonist's lover very fascinating.

Soon, all the dishes were served. It was not surprising that beside Ji Jing and Chen Guo Tao was busy chatting, everyone else had remained silent.

"Right, Ah Jing. The project collaboration that I proposed the last time round, have you come to a decision yet?" Chen Guo Tao had suddenly brought up an official matter.

Ji Jing probed, "Are you talking about the plan to build a retirement village?"

Chen Guo Tao nodded, "That's right. Including Huo Hai City, I intend to concurrently build four mega-retirement villages across the four major cities in the country. The development will have integrated medical, cultural entertainment, leisure and recreation facilities."

"I have seriously studied your proposal. I will be direct then, do you think the profit derived from this project will be well worth it?" Ji Jing cautiously asked.

"Off course it's well worth it. In fact, we'll be making a killing!" When Chen Guo Tao was discussing important matter, he could usually do it in a very casual manner. "As you know, the medical sector had almost reached saturation point. On the other hand, our country's population is aging. As such, the retirement sector will definitely be one of the fastest growing and most lucrative sectors in the future. Presently, the four major cities had the highest aging population who are financially strong. With both of us working together, I'm sure the retirement villages will be our greatest source of wealth upon completion."

Ji Jing understood the potential but she had her some concern over the matter. "It sounds very promising. However, our current company strategic direction is to focus on our real estate developments. Moreover, our working capital is a bit tight at the moment. I'm worried that there will be resistance from the board of directors if we're to undertake another major project."

"When there's a will, there's a way. I believe everyone will share my view on this promising venture." Chen Guo Tao didn't urge Ji Jing to strongly knowing that her current control over the board of directors are lacking.

Once the official matter had been wrapped up, Chen Guo Tao changed the topic of discussion, "Oh yes, when Brother Song was still alive, he had agreed that our families with be in-laws. Although Brother Song is no longer with us, I believe that words should be kept. Now that Shi Cheng has recovered and our two project collaborations are about to commence, why don't we held an engagement party for the two children within the next few days?"

Ji Jing, Ye Wen Sheng and Song Shi Cheng's expression immediately changed when they heard Chen Guo Tao.

Song Shi Cheng had an expression where he would like the vehemently protest against this suggestion.

Ji Jing and Ye Wen Sheng on the other hand were very surprised by it. They had assumed the political marriage between will be called off given how the Chen family had been behaving recently. Thus, it was out of their expectation that Chen Guo Tao would take the initiative to brought up this matter!

"Off course I am fine with it. Ah Cheng had suffered quite a number of misfortunes recently. A marriage will help to purge the misfortunes and brought in the good fortunes in return." Ji Jing felt that this engagement party would offer them a chance to stabilise the anxiety of those in the company. What left her puzzled though was the fact that Chen Guo Tao had not brought along her daughter Chen Yi Xian since he had planned to broach on this matter. Instead, he had brought along her illegitimate daughter.

"Great, it's been agreed then. I will have to change how I address you in the future." Chen Guo Tao who was filled with happiness then turned his head to look at Chen Xiao Yan who was drinking from a glass and said, "Xiao Yan, I believe you have heard it as well. Quickly greet your mother-in-law."


A glass had broken into pieces as it fell on the floor.