I See Right Through You, Dr. Chen

"Stay where you're standing and don't you move when you talk to me," said Chen Xiao Yan with an alerted tone, "I did agree to talk to you, but that doesn't mean I agree to be your wife."

Song Shi Cheng wanted to have a rational discussion with Chen Xiao Yan, but couldn't help but to break into laughter after she just said that.

'How childish are you?' Song Shi Cheng thought to himself. How was Chen Xiao Yan still saying that she didn't want to get married? What's saying no going to do at this point?

Song Shi Cheng was a bit worried that Chen Xiao Yan would refuse the marriage no matter what, but it seemed that there was still chance for him by the fact she decided to come today.

As strong-headed as Chen Xiao Yan might be, she still had quite a few weaknesses. For example, she could never abandon her mother Lin Mei Chu.

Even though Lin Mei Chu had repeatedly shown how much of an incompetent mother she was in the story, she was the only close family Chen Xiao Yan had. As long as Chen Xiao Yan's mother submits to the Chen family, she would never dare to reject what the Chen Family order her to do.

Song Shi Cheng knew that Chen Xiao Yan still hadn't given up, though. She might even be plotting to get into a fight with him so the marriage could be cancelled.

If Song Shi Cheng's predictions were correct, Chen Xiao Yan came here today because her parents forced her to. She probably received some sort of threat from her father. Maybe Chen Guo Tao told her that she and her mother would be kicked out of the family if the marriage didn't happen.

On the other hand, her mother probably spent everyday trying to convince her to be more compromising. She probably said something like there would still be a lot of choices for Chen Xiao Yan if she accepted to the engagement first.

Chen Xiao Yan obviously received a lot of pressure before she decided to come here today. She probably even considered leaving the Chen family once and for all. If it weren't for her stubborn mother, Chen Xiao Yan might've just cut ties with the Chen family completely. But while she couldn't change her mother's mind, all she could do was to pray that the Song family could be somehow brought down as quickly as possible.

 "So you're just going to stay quiet after you threatened me?" Chen Xiao Yan scoffed as Song Shi Cheng was just standing there and looking at her. "Or are you just trying to think of ways to make fun of me now? Congratulations, Mister Song! Now you have all the chances in the world to get back at me for all the times I've given you cold eyes! Are you satisfied now?"

Song Shi Cheng finally spoke, "Why do you have make this so difficult for both of us? Think about it, we are becoming husband and wife anyways, so why not just drop the attitude and try to settle this smoothly?"

Considering the mental state Chen Xiao Yan was in, Song Shi Cheng didn't want to risk her to have a breakdown. For his plan to work, he needed to calm her down before the real talk begins.

"Smoothly? You think I was embarrassing you and your family just then? Are you suggesting that we should've acted like we were in love or something? Sorry, but I'm way too disgusted with you for that kind of fake act! You know what? I feel like killing myself just from the thought of having to marry you!"

Damn, she's crying. All that insults she threw at me, and now she's the one crying.

As Chen Xiao Yan broke into tears of hopelessness, Song Shi Cheng realized that maybe she would commit suicide than to marry the person she hated so much.

Song Shi Cheng knew she hated him, obviously. What he didn't expect was that Chen Xiao Yan hated him to the extent that she was feeling suicidal on a happy occasion like this. 

It's not Chen Xiao Yan's fault, thought. The author could've added one or two likeable traits to Song Shi Cheng but oh no, he had to create the biggest dipshit character he could think of. 

'I guess it's karma,' Song Shi Cheng thought to himself.

While wiping her tears off with hand, Chen Xiao Yan continued to stare coldly at Song Shi Cheng, "You don't feel too well yourself, am I right? Now that your family's not as powerful as before, my father decided to let me marry you instead my older sister. You and your whole family must be really embarrassed to have their eldest son marrying a bastard child like me!"

Song Shi Cheng replied with a humble smile, "Honestly, it's the same whether I marry you or your older sister. The choice wasn't mine in the first place. Plus, you don't have to degrade yourself by comparing you to you sister. You have better looks than her and in terms of personality, I think you are much purer than her."

"Don't use that playboy crap on me!" Xiao Yan yelled hysterically. Yet, despite how emotional she became, she couldn't help but to notice that something was different with Song Shi Cheng.

 If Song Shi Cheng was acting like had had always been, he would've started cussing at Chen Xiao Yan already. In fact, why hasn't he thrown a single insult yet?

 Where did all the verbal abuse, sarcastic remarks, evil laughters and coarse language go?

Instead doing any of those 'usual routines,' Song Shi Cheng was actually staying calm this entire time. What 's even stranger was that, he was trying to comfort Chen Xiao Yan for the very first time!

 'No,' Chen Xiao Yan thought again, ' he's plotting something! He' only acting nice now so he could try to find a way to manipulate me!" 

"If you want me to cut to the chase, sure, Song Shi Cheng stated, "I can't be bothered acting all polite and pretentious anyways. Listen here, if you want to risk cutting ties with your family by calling this marriage proposal off, I'm not going to stop you."

 If sympathizing her didn't work, Song Shi Cheng might as well just get to the real bait.

"Our marriage is nothing more than a political tool to bring our families together. Both you and I know that way too well. Now, sorry to break it to you, the Song Family isn't going to lose power any time soon. If you are praying for the marriage to be cancelled by some miracle, wake up and quit living inside your own fantasy. Come on! Do you honestly believe that materialistic father of yours cares about your feelings? What's more important to him: his relationship with our family or with you? "