People who Came From Different Worlds

Chen Xiao Yan knew she couldn't be out too long. As her father had already finished his opening speech, Chen Xiao Yan decided to think again with the little time she had before going back to the conservatory room.

 Compared to the other limited options Chen Xiao Yan was left, faking the marriage probably was the optimal choice to make. She wasn't going to trust Song Shi Cheng if he was trying to sound polite towards her. In fact, it was exactly Song Shi Cheng's unlikeable attitude that got her to starting thinking about faking a marriage with him.

And that, dear readers, that thought process right there just shows how an honest degenerate is much more trustworthy than a pretentious saint.

 "Fine, if what you say is true, I will…"

Before Chen Xiao Yan was going a give her reply to Song Shi Cheng's offer, a deafening scream suddenly echoed from behind. 

 "Don't!" the owner of the voice yelled as he sprinted towards Song Shi Cheng and Chen Xiao Yan.

Just like Song Shi Cheng had anticipated, it was Ye Tian who called out to them. From the costume he was wearing, Ye Tian must've snuck into this place while disguising as a manservant.

"Xia Yan, don't agree to anything that lowlife has to say!" Ye Tian said to Chen Xiao Yan.

'Wait, Ye Tian? How did you…" Chen Xiao Yan opened her mouth in surprise.

Ye Tian responded eagerly, "I came as soon as I heard the rumours. Xiao Yan, you never wanted to marry him, am I right?"

Chen Xiao Yan wanted to say yes, but she couldn't do it. In great anguish and fear, she bit onto her lips in silence and looked at Ye Tian .

"Hey Ye Tian," Song Shi Cheng interrupted while rubbing his chin in frustration, "you are really testing my patience right now. After I forgave your for your impudence last time, now you are trying to ruin my engagement? Do you honestly think I won't beat the shit out you?"

'Goodness me, I sure sounded like a villain just then,' thought Song Shi Cheng as he made that threat.

"Shut up, you filthy animal!" Ye Tian burst into rage, "You're the most despicable one here! How dare you stand there and use Xiao Yan's relationship with her father to manipulate her like that! You listen to me, you piece of shit! If you are thinking about ruining Xia Yan's life, get over my dead body first!"

"Xiao Yan, come on," Ye Tian reached his hand out towards Chen Xiao Yao, "I'll take you away from these assholes. Don't worry, they won't treat you like this anymore if you just leave them." 

'Aw fuck no, you're not!' Song Shi cursed in his mind.

 After all that effort he spent to convince Chen Xiao Yan into accepting the marriage, Song Shi Cheng wasn't just going to let her be taken by Ye Tian like this.

Brainwashing Chen Xiao Yan once was exhausting enough already, but now Song Shi Cheng had to do it again to stop himself from being eliminated by the system.

"Think carefully, Chen Xiao Yan," Song Shi Cheng turned to Chen Xiao Yan, "I won't stop you if you're leaving with him, but think about the consequences. How are you going to face your family after this? What about your mother? What kind of treatment will she receive if her only daughter abandons her?"

Chen Xiao Yan subconsciously looked towards the ceremony hall. She knew her father was watching this entire interaction and indeed, Chen Guo Tao was staring at her this very moment through the glass window!

 Even with a thick panel of glass and some distance between them, Chen Xiao Yan could still sense the threatening vibe her father was giving off to her. As she was immediately reminded of how cruel Chen Guo Tao could be, Chen Xiao turned her head to the ground and closed her eyes.

She did this not only because she wanted to avoid the cruel destiny planned onto her, but it was also to bury the feeling of disheartenment inside of her.

Yet, completely ignorant of the dilemma his beloved was encountering, Ye Tian kept on pressuring Chen Xiao Yan.

"Xiao Yan, please… I know you like me too. Just think of the days when we were together in the hospital."

"Shut up, Ye Tian!" Chen Xiao Yan suddenly shouted, then looked Yet Tian in the eyes. She then spoke to him in a soft, saddened voice.

"Thank you, Ye Tian, but promise me you'll take care of yourself. I know you can find someone better than me, so just go now. The world we live in are just too different for us to be together."

After she said her farewell to Ye Tian, Chen Xiao Yan quickly ran away as she covered her face with her hands. She finally gave up completely.

Song Shi Cheng exhaled in relief. How ironic of Chen Xiao Yan to state that she and Ye Tian belonged to two different world when in fact, it was him who came from a world beyond this one.

 "Song Shi Cheng, you son of a bitch!" Ye Tian screamed at the top of his lungs. He had completely lost control over his rage.

Just when Yet Tian was about to make an assault towards Song Shi Cheng, Chui Zhi and his group of bodyguards suddenly came blocking between them.

"How do you want to settle this, young master?" Chui Zhi asked while licking his lips. He was definitely hoping to get Yet Tian back for his defeat last time.

"Let's try to be reasonable when we still live in a society. Chui Zhi, don't attack unless he decided to attack us first," Song Shi Cheng said with a straight face, but then gave a twisted smile as he turned towards Ye Tian.

"Isn't your trial is only a few days away? You know, with the amount of money I have on me, I don't mind paying a little more tax if I can extend your sentence by a few more years."

Damn, it feels good to be a villain. Song Chi Cheng was only thinking of acting like one before, but now he's really starting to get the thrill of it.

"A life for life! You think I'm scared of you?" Ye Tian shouted, then took out a few silver needles from his pocket.

 "Oh shit, he's going to pull off a desperado," Song Shi Cheng frowned.

 If it weren't for how short the story was, the author could've spent a lot time giving Ye Tian a much more sensible personality. While some readers did find Ye Tian appealing for his volatile nature, it was, in fact, his biggest downfall as a character.

But now that Ye Tian decided to be the first one to use violence, Song Shi Cheng had all the reasons he needed to put Yet Tian under his control.

"Weapons in position!" As soon as Chui Zhi gave his signal, all the guards took out an electric rod and filled themselves throughout the garden.

It was at this moment when Ma Jin Biao entered the scene. While shouting 'Hold on!' as he pushed past the bodyguards, Ma Jin Biao ran towards Ye Tian and grabbed his arm

Ma Jin Biao warned Ye Tian in a no-so-subtle voice, "Didn't you say you won't mess around in here? Just get out now while you still can! Go! No lawyers can help you if you keep causing problems like this!"

"Well then, if it isn't Chief Ma himself," Song Shi Cheng grinned, "I sort of figured that it was you who let this scoundrel in, but how audacious of you to bring a crime suspect to an engagement ceremony. Now, I know that I'm not supposed to interrogate someone invited from the bride's family, but what in the world do you think you're doing right now?"

Since Ma Jin Biao basically just confirmed his relationship with Ye Tian, there was no way that he could make a smooth escape this time.

 Ma Jin Biao said as he quickly lowered his head, "My sincerest apology, master Song. I'll send this person away immediately, so please, just let this go. Wait, what are you doing?"

 Before Ma Jin Biao had even finished apologizing, Song Shi Cheng took out a phone and snapped a photo of him and Ye Tian together.

"Evidence," Song Shi Cheng replied mercilessly, "Tsk tsk, just look at these weapons you're holding in this photo, Ye Tian! Congratulations, man. Your trial just got infinitely better than it would've been."

Now it wasn't just Ye Tian who was trembling in anger. Ma Jin Biao was also aching to stab needles into Song Shi Cheng's face.

There was a time when Song Shi Cheng was just a shameless prick, but now it appeared that evilness is something that could be improved upon. With a new soul taking over his body, Song Shi Cheng had became much more unlikeable than his original self.