Villains can be Edgy Too, You know

Judging from how important this negotiation was, Song Shi Cheng decided that just one piece of [Wang Ba jelly] wasn't enough to persuade an experienced business man like Lee Sheng Dong. Hence while they were still having the conversation, Song Shi Cheng decided to spend another two luck points on a temporary effect item.

[Mind-reading glasses]: A pair of glasses made from magical crystals. With this on, its wielder can read another persons' every thoughts within ten minutes. It is truly a mindboggling technology for making new friends and dating hot chicks.

"I'm sorry, chief Lee, but you kept telling my mother you're busy after she tried to contact you so many times. I know now isn't the most appropriate time for me to visit you, but relatively speaking, now's the only time when you're not so busy."

"Please," Song Chi Cheng walked closer to Lee Sheng Dong and slowed down his treadmill, "just let me have a few words with you before I leave. Don't leave me hanging like this after you have been my father's friend for so many years."

"Go head. I'll be on the treadmill for eight more minutes," Lee Sheng Dong said as he gestured a servant to go prepare his breakfast. He didn't seem particularly interested in talking, but at least he gave eight minutes of minimal opportunity for Song Shi Cheng.

With the [mind-reading glasses] on, Song Shi Cheng saw a line of texts drifting on top of Lee Sheng Dong's head:

Who does he think he is? Spoilt brat. What can he do? Ha! Keep dreaming if you think you can persuade me to help you! I'm not going to do anything if he doesn't offer me something good in return.

'Huh, so he's a realist,' Song Shi Cheng thought to himself as he proceeded to talk.

 "You probably know why I am here, Chief Lee, but I'll just say it out loud: we really need your support for the shareholder's meeting in the next three days…"

Lee Sheng Dong quickly interrupted, "I've said it before: I don't care about your internal affairs and who-becomes-what as long as I get my cut. If this is about who becomes the next chairman of the board, I'll go for anyone who can help me make the most money I can get. "

 "Ugh…" Lee Sheng Dong sighed in exhaustion, " Yang Zhi, come finish my sentence. I'm running out of breath."

As Lee Sheng Dong said that, an attractive woman gently walked to them. After she slowed down Lee Sheng Dong's treadmill even more, she turned to Song Shi Cheng and gave him a flirtatious smile.

"Nice to see you, Master Song," the woman named Yang Zhi greeted, "Chief Lee did expect your family to visit, but what a surprise that you came! We do appreciate you for how straightforward you are, so please let us return the favour by having you answer three questions we have. If you can't give us a satisfying answer, please stop bothering us."

"I'm all ears," replied Song Shi Cheng, then looked at Yang Zhi with his [mind-reading glasses]. Again, this woman didn't think well of him either. This was what was written on top of Yang Zhi's head: 

What's Song family thinking of when they sent this playboy to us? From what I heard, this boy does nothing apart from drinking and whoring. Have this whole family gone mad when they decided to send him to us? But come to think of it, this guy looks pretty cute. I might just play around with him for a bit and get his number.

Yang Zhi proclaimed as she was having some very offensive thoughts towards Yang Yi, "First of all, business is business. Chief Lee here doesn't like how the Fenhua group runs its management board right now. Unless you have some sort of solution for us, we are not going to accept any favours."

'This Yang Zhi chick's got a nice voice, but she does have a lot sass," Song Shi Cheng thought, and then looked back at Lee Sheng Dong with his glasses.

Just as what Yang Zhi implied, Lee Sheng Dong didn't think Ji Ling knew how to run a corporation at all. However, there was also a line of text on top of his head which said "Ye Wen Sheng would do a good job if he becomes the chairman for a short while."

Song Shi Cheng crossed his arms for bit. After a short moment of contemplation, hedecided to go with what Lee Sheng Dong had in mind already.

 "Well, my idea is to let Ye Wen Sheng become the chairman and have him take care of managing the Fenghua group. As for my mother, I'll just let her retire and make her position a symbolic one."

"What a shameless son you are for saying that!" Lee Sheng Dong scolded ruthlessly. Yet, the [mind-reading glasses] was showing that he actually agreed to Song Shi Cheng's idea. It seemed like Lee Dong Sheng just wanted to piss on him.

After all, no one was dumb enough to think that Ji Ling would make a good chairman of the board. Even her own son knew that. And from what Song Shi Cheng had seen in these past few days, Ji Ling really had nothing outstanding about her. Apart from how overprotective she was for her son, Ji Ling really was just an average old woman who had no talent to be a businesswoman. 

It wasn't a surprise, though. If Ji Ling was as capable as she should be in order to secure the Song family's position, there was no way that the Song family could fall this low after Old Song passed away. Even if Song Chun Lin had no intention to take over the Song family, the Fenghua group would simply perish under Ji Ling's leadership.

On the other hand, Ye Wen Sheng would be a much better candidate to be the chairman of the board. While this old man does not show a lot of ambition and competitiveness, he is extremely loyal to the Song family. From Song Shi Cheng's perspective, Ye Wen Sheng is perfect for the role of safeguarding the Song family.

Hence, Song Shi Cheng decided to reply to Yang Zhi's question with answer that would make both him and Lee Sheng Dong happy.

Realizing that Lee Sheng Dong was more interested than before, Yang Zhi thought that maybe Song Shi Cheng was more clever than what she imagined him to be.

Yang Zhi continued, "Secondly, it wasn't only you who came to us. There were a lot of other shareholders and members of the board who talked to us in these past few days. Your auntie, of course, was amongst them. If you want our help, how about you give us something better than what your auntie offered? And please don't promise us something you have no control of."

"Sure," Song Shi Cheng nodded, but proceeded to make a very ambiguous offer. "If it's profit that you is looking for, Chief Lee, I promise you that I'm the one who can help you make the most amount of money."

"What a bunch of empty words! You don't know what you're talking about, child!" Lee Shen Dong said in a more condescending voice.

"Mister Song, " Yang Zhi raised her lips and chuckled. "You are quite famous for how good you are with flirting with girls, but please don't think that chief Lee and I will fall for your sweet talk. You know, even your father wouldn't promise that he could help chief Lee to earn more money. Unless.."

"You want our family stocks, don't you?" Song Shi Cheng suddenly interrupted Yang Zhi as he finished her sentence for her.

 With Yang Zhi looking at him in surprise, Song Shi Cheng continued, "The stocks are a direct inheritance left for me and my mother. As much of a disappointing son I have been, I wouldn't go so far to disgrace my father by giving them to someone else."

Song Shi Cheng then smiled, "I wasn't lying when I said I'm the one who can help you make the most amount of money. In fact, if anyone was lying to you, it has to be Song Chun Lin, not me. Let me guess, did my auntie tell you that she'll let Yang Zhi become the Chief Finance officer once she becomes the management chairman? Wait, you two don't fancy a position like that, do you? Rather than bothering yourself with a messy job that kind of looks important, you would definitely prefer making money the same way as you are doing now, right chief Lee? You want to make money while you have the time to thin down the layer of blubber you've been building up so much."

Now, instead of having just Yang Zhi gasping in shock at Song Shi Cheng, Lee Sheng Dong too was looking like he couldn't believe what this playboy was saying.

"Now, I don't suppose the two of you would like the idea of having Song Chun Lin become the new chairman of the board, because when that happens, the first thing she will do is to replace any old influences with her own. I think we can all agree the Fenghua group will turn into shit if we let her do that, so why don't you work with us? Ye Wen Sheng will definitely make a better chairman than Song Chun Lin will ever be. Plus, why not take this chance and make us owe you? Hey, if we combine our stocks together, you might get our shares when this whole drama mellows down. Isn't working with us so more favourable than going with what my auntie wanted you to do?"

"Fucking fuck! What the fuck?" Lee Sheng Dong shouted as his sweaty, fat stomach almost tripped onto the treadmill, "What are you, the worm that crawled out my arse? How did you guess what we were thinking?"

As for Yang Zhi, her smile had already faded into a petrified look of astonishment. The same cherry lips that were mocking Song Shi Cheng before were now wide open as her jaw dropped and froze.

"I've taken a few psychology lessons, that's all," Song Shi Cheng replier braggingly.

'You think you're so smart with your conspiracies, don't you?' Song Shi Cheng jeered in his mind, 'With the ability to read mind, your schemes and experience means nothing to me!"