Know Thy Place

Three days have passed.

Ever since the unfortunate death of Old Song, the former chairman of one of the largest financial groups in China, the Fenghua group's shareholder meeting this year had been an especially hot topic across the country.

In fact, this could be one of the largest business events throughout the whole year!

The shareholder's meeting this year, as always, was held in the Fenghua group headquarter building, which stood proudly in the centre of the most financially important district within Hua Hai city.

Inside the limo were Song Shi Cheng, Ji Ling and Ye Wen Sheng. As they had made their parking at the special parking space reserved for the Fenghua group's higher staff, they quickly began heading towards the inside of the building.

As he was adjusting the buttons on his suit, Song Shi Cheng turned to Ji Ling and spoke.

"It's okay, Mum. This is just another regular meeting. Those people won't do anything too outrageous to us."

However, unlike Song Shi Cheng who had quickly adapted to his role as the Song family heir, Ji Ling was in much more discomfort in comparison. Just looking at her, it was clear that she hadn't been eaten nor sleeping right in these past few days.

Poor woman, who could blame her for not feeling well? She wasn't even fully recovered from her husband's death yet, and now she's forced to deal with a potential uprising to overthrow the Song Family.

"Master Song is right. Madam, let's just calm down first," Ye Wen Sheng said as he got down from the co-pilot seat of the car. "Master Song had already got us Lee Dong Sheng. With him on our side, those smaller shareholders wouldn't dare to show any disrespect to you."

Even with the best of intentions, Ji Ling did not appreciate the remark.

"That's all on the surface!" she argued "Who knows what those old foxes are planning behind our backs! Lee Dong Sheng might have liked the business plan my son gave him, but I just can't trust a man like him when he said he's going help us!"

Song Shi Cheng continued to walk without saying anything. He knew that deep down, it's not Lee Dong Sheng that his mother didn't trust. If anything, what Ji Ling was feeling most uncertain about was his project plan, which was titled 'Proposal to Install Fundraisers for the New Medical Network."

Naturally, Ji Ling had read the content of the project plan. The problem was that she just wasn't confident in her son's ability. Also, with the amount of stress she was under lately, Ji Ling wasn't able to notice how much future prospect there was in Song Shi Cheng's plan. 

Even so, Song Shi Cheng believed that Lee Dong Sheng would make the right decision and join in on the retirement village project. In fact, that was exactly what the [mindreading glasses] were showing him.

Knowing that nothing would calm Ji Lin down at this point, Song Shi Cheng decided to stay quiet for the time being. If things were working out the way he was expecting, there wasn't a need to comfort his mother anyways.

Ji Ling turned to Ye Wen Sheng, "No, Old Ye, I'll telling you I can't be in charge of something this big! You know what- I trust you and your ability. If I really can't , I'll do everything in my power to try to move up your position. Some of the shareholders I've talked have already approved of this idea…"

"Madam, let's just see what happens first," Ye Wen Sheng replied, and then hinted Ji Ling and Song Shi Cheng to look over towards another limo not far from them.

Song Chun Lin and Xu Mao Ping had just arrived. 

Even though they had clearly no business getting along with the Song Family at this point, Ji Ling was still greeting and smiling towards Ji Ling.

There was no way that could be a sign of friendliness. If anything, Song Chun Lin was only smiling to brag about her imminent victory and of course, to disturb Ji Ling even more.

"Let's move!" Ji Ling quickly said to Song Shi Cheng and Ye Wen Sheng.

From the way she was walking so fast towards the elevator, Ji Ling was clearly trying to get away from Song Chun Lin.

Song Chun Lin wasn't taking the hint, though. If anything, she was even following Ji Ling by walking in the same direction as her.

"Oh dear, don't shut us down like that! Ji Ling, what's wrong?" Song Chun Lin asked pretentiously as they headed towards the elevator.

She just couldn't shut up, could she?

Song Chun Lin continued taunting Ji Ling as they walked towards the elevators, "I know you are still upset about that other day, but please understand that I can't help you every single time! With that many people going against you, how could I bring myself to agree with your proposals? Come on, don't act so upset towards me- I'm just as worried as you are! I've already broken two pair of my favourite high-heels just to go calming down those people who wanted you to retire!" 

"What a plesant surprise, Auntie," Song Shi Cheng interrupted, "I didn't know you would break your shows for us. Don't worry though. I'll send my men to buy you another two of the most trending brands this season. Now, if you would excuse us, "

As they had already reached the elevators, Song Shi Cheng suddenly stretched out his hand and blocked Song Chun Lin and Xu Mao Ping from entering, then continued to speak as he and Ji Ling were inside.

"My mother, the chairman of the board, has a meeting to host. Why don't you and Uncle go take the staff elevator? This one here can only fit in so many people."

Damn, author, what a clean comeback!

Even in the state of turmoil the were currently in, Ji Ling and her family were still in a higher position than Song Chun Lin was. That move right there, that 'you go take the staff elevator' thing, was nothing short of the reminder needed to tell Song Chun Lin to humble herself. That was the equivalent of flipping a middle finger to your enemy, tell them you have a bigger **** than him/her, and then just smoothly exit in front of their face! How savage of him!

And just like what Song Shi Cheng had expected, Song Chun Lin and her husband were completely stunned with his razor-sharp insult. And as the two stood outside and watched the elevator door closed on them, Song Shi Cheng even threw them a taunting smile before they parted ways.

In a fuming rage, Song Chun Lin quickly kicked at the elevator before it was going up. What she didn't remember was that she still had her high-heels on.

"AGGH!" Song Chun Lin screamed as she mistakenly injured her foot. 

"Honey, are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?"

"Shut up! How about you try kicking a door with high-heels on?"

With one of her hands holding her injured leg and the other leaning onto Xu Mao Ping, Song Chun Lin started cursing at Song Shi Cheng like a witch.

"What the hell happened to that playboy after his head was injured? I don't know how he's so sarcastic now, but I swear, I fucking swear!- he's going to cry like a little bitch when he stops being able to live off his family!"

"Honey, let's just take some caution for now," Xu Mao Ping said conservatively, "From what I've heard, Ji Ling and Ye Wen Sheng had spent these past few days making contact with a lot of shareholders. Even Song Shi Cheng himself made a visit to Lee Dong Sheng's office."

"Are you actually scared of them? So what- they give their stocks to Lee Dong Sheng? If it's Ye Wen Sheng who made the visit, I would be a little concerned, but that child? I'd be surprised if Lee Dong Sheng even let him finish his sentence! Listen here, Lee Dong Sheng is a vampire, not a charity fundraiser…"

Before Song Chun Lin finished speaking, A luxurious-looking SUV suddenly made a loud vrooming noise behind the couple's back.

Speaking of the devil. It was Lee Dong Sheng who had just finished parking his car. From the sound that his car was making, he probably didn't hear the kind of comment Song Chun Lin was making at him.

"Chief Lee, why are you using the staff elevator? Let's take this one here together," Xu Mao Ping quickly greeted as though they weren't talking about Lee Dong Sheng behind his back just then.

"Oh, this one's the staff elevator? It really has been years since the last time I came here," Lee Dong Sheng said in a strangely cold voice, then murmured something to himself before entering the staff elevator anyways.

As Lee Dong Sheng stepped into the staff elevator, he suddenly said to Song Chun Lin and Xu Mao Ping before the door closed.

"I suppose it's not a bad idea to take the staff elevator every once in a while. It's a good way to clear my conscience before going into an important meeting."

And with that, the doubt within Song Chun Lin and her husband's mind was finallly affirmed.

Something was definitely going on behind their backs! 

"Honey, something doesn't seem right…"Xu Mao Ping said in a slightly worried voice.

Song Chun Lin noticed something wasn't right, too. Deep down, both of them were starting to think that maybe, just maybe, this meeting won't be going the way they wanted.