The Girl Whose Name Spelt Rivalry

After a while of racing on the highway with his fancy sports car, Song Chi Cheng finally arrived back to the Song Family mansion under Mountain Chen Zhong.

Just when Song Shi Cheng was about to reach the mansion gate, he noticed that a minibus was stopped right in front of it. Right next to it stood a man wearing a suit and had a slick greasy hairstyle. From the way Uncle De and the security guards were surrounding him with so much caution, it appeared that there was some issue happening right in front of Song Shi Cheng's house.

"Welcome back, master," Uncle De ran to Song Shi Cheng's car and bowed. "This man drove here while bringing a group of people with him, and claims that he has a meeting with you. Out of concern for your safety, I decided to let them wait outside."

"Yeah, I did contact them. You can call the securities off," Song Shi Cheng explained, then smiled to the man wearing a suit.

"Much apologies, manager Fung. The shareholder's meeting took a bit longer than I thought."

"No, no, it's perfectly fine, Mr. Song! Unlike, us, you must be busy with all the important affairs you have to attend! Please, don't worry about us. Our time isn't worth any money compared to yours! Hey, all of you! Quit sitting on you arses and say hello to Mr. Song!"

As manger Fung yelled towards the minibus, a group of young men and women immediately rushed out and bowed towards Song Shi Cheng.

Among them, the men were all neatly attired like a bunch of elites. As for the women, they were all young, attractive girls who each had their own unique charm. 

"So those are the interviewees, huh?" Song Shi Cheng raised his head as he scanned across them, to which manger Fung responded with his non-stopping nods.

However, it appeared that there was one person missing. After manger Fung counted again with his fingers, he realized that there was still a girl hiding behind the minibus door.

It was a girl with pony-tail wearing a white shirt. Even though she was almost entirely covered behind the door, Song Shi Cheng still caught a glimpse of the outstanding beauty on her facial features. 

"Hey! Come over here, you!. Are you here to get a job or not?" manger Fung quickly ran over and yanked onto the girl.

"Manager Fung, I, I don't feel like doing the interview now," The girl replied timidly with a lowered head. From the way her eye were looking sideways while talking, it was clear that she was too scared to even look towards Song Shi Cheng's direction.

"What are you on about all a sudden now? Miss, wasn't it you who agreed to come here? Why the change of heart? Listen to me- that majestic man right there is the heir of the Fenghua group! If he decides to hire you to work for him, do you have any idea how imaginably easy life will be for you?"

However, the girl only seemed to be grabbing onto the minibus even harder. It was almost like she was trying to escape from an animal in a safari park.

"I'm so sorry, manager Fung! I don't think I'm good enough for this job… Please… I don't want to do this job now! Give the opportunity someone more capable than me!" the girl pleaded desperately.

Even though there was quite a distance between him and the two people arguing with each other, Song Shi Cheng could still sense that the girl was clearly afraid of him.

Could it be someone he knew? Or was it someone that appeared in the novel?

After thinking hard for a while without reaching any plausible answer, Song Shi Cheng decided to let the others help him figure out who the mysterious girl was.

"If that girl there isn't going to come inside and do her interview, none of you are welcomed here!" he finally ordered then quickly drive inside the mansion.

For the readers who may be wondering why Song Shi Cheng was now deciding to hire new employees, it was so that he could start his own business.

Even though the counterattack system was telling him to gain true authority over the Fenghua group, Song Shi Cheng knew that there was not much for him to do if he worked in the Fenghua group internally. And because now Ye Wen Sheng was in charge of almost all the duties the chairman of the board, Song Shi Cheng was spared with a lot more time to start his own business.

What business, you ask? Well, one thing Song Shi Cheng had in mind was to get a head-start in fundraising for the medical network project. Not only could doing so help him to complete the system's mission, he could also take away more luck points from Ye Tian! 

This was why a few days ago when Song Shi Cheng was about to finish drafting his medical network project, he had already contacted manger Fung from a headhunting companies to recruit some talents needed to start the project.

Now, unlike that girl, all the interviewees were very keen to use this opportunity to cling themselves onto the Fenghua group. Since Song Shi Cheng had just threatened to sack all the interviews, all of them were now helping out manger Fung until the girl was eventually dragged inside the mansion.

In the meantime, Song Shi Cheng was already sitting under a parasol, drinking black tea with his legs crossed and looking through the resumes handed out to him.

Even as someone who had never properly worked before, Song Shi Cheng could still see that most the resumes were inflated with false information.

Think about it: if these people were really as good as they claim to be, why come here, a small mansion under a mountain but not directly to the Fenghua group headquarter?

Before Song Shi Cheng was going to come up with a question to test the interviewees, he suddenly chocked and coughed on his tea when he accidently saw the name written on that weird girl's resume.

"… Shit!" Song Shi Cheng cursed, and then shouted to the pony-tailed girl standing behind the interviewees.

"Wait, are you Yuan Jia?"

As soon as Song Shi Cheng called out her name, the girl called Yuan Jia suddenly started running away. However, just before she managed to leave, Chui Zhi and the other bodyguards snuck out of nowhere and blocked her way out.

Chui Zhi asked in a menacing voice, "Master, this girl has been acting weird ever since she came inside. Should I take her away for some questioning?"

Uncle De too had his guards on, "Master, let's call the police. Madam Song told us to not let anyone suspicious around you."

The girl screamed, "Stop, I swear I haven't done anything! Master Song, I didn't know it was you when manger Fung said he could get me hired for a job. Just let me go! If I knew it was you, I would rather die than come here!"

Even though Yuan Jia's legs were shaking with panic, the looks on her face remained firm and unyielding. She continued to speak while trying to move as cautiously as she could around the guards. 

"Just let me go! Master Song, aren't you the kind of person who can get whatever he wants? Why do you have to waste your time with an unimportant girl like me? Look at all these eyewitness around us- even with the influences you have, I can still cause you and your family a bit of trouble if I want to! I promise you, if you let me go, I swear that I won't speak about that day to anyone!"

"Oh no! Master Song, I'm so sorry! I didn't know this girl has brought trouble to you before…" manager Fung immediately apologized. He certainly did not expect someone like Yuan Jia to be among the interviewees he selected.

Just when manger Fung was about to shift the blame away from himself, he was immediately silenced by Song Shi Cheng, who simply gestured a hand at him to go away.

From the way Song Shi Cheng was looking at Yuan Jia with a complicated expression on his face, it appeared that he had no interest in giving punishments.

After a few seconds of contemplation, Song Shi Cheng suddenly covered his face and broke into laughter.

Just like what he had guessed, the girl was indeed Yuan Jia, a character who made an appearance in the original storyline! As her name implies (see translator's note), she really had some personal issues with Song Shi Cheng.

However, contrary to what manger Fung said, it wasn't Yuan Jia who offended Song Shi Cheng. In fact, if anything happened between these two, Song Shi Cheng was the one who had offended this girl!

To put it more specifically, Song Shi Cheng almost raped Yuan Ja in the original storyline!