Hunting A Sacred-blood Creature

Han Sen saw that at the bottom of the cave, a black pangolin-like creature more than six feet long with its whole body covered with in crystal scales was drinking water from a pool.

"That is the creature. Its hearing is no good but it has got excellent eyesight. Even a sacred-blood beast soul weapon could hardly hurt its scales. Its biggest weakness is its soft belly," explained Index Finger unhurriedly, who was a refined young man.

"Even if its stomach is its weakness, it is on all fours and I can’t really flip it over and stab there," Han Sen said.

"Of course not. As long as there is a sign of trouble, this guy will roll itself into a ball. And then it would be like a snail hidden inside the shell and its belly would be protected. Its scales could also flip up and become circular saw blades. When it rolls, it’s like a spiked wheel and even the thickest armor would be cut open by that. And no one’s body could stand that either," Little Finger cut in.