Phantom Ant Beast Soul

Type of beast soul of mutant phantom ant: armor.

Han Sen summoned the mutant beast soul armor and was suddenly covered in blue crystal. It had thorough protection like his black beetle armor and was even prettier.

Lin Beifeng was amazed. What a gorgeous suit of armor!

"If a woman wears it, it would be…" Lin was very eager to ask for the phantom ant armor, but did not know what to say.

He had just got a mutant beast soul mount from Han Sen and did not have the nerve to ask for something else.

"Ahem, Sen, would you use this beast soul? If not, I can double… no… triple the price of an ordinary mutant beast soul armor to buy it," asked Lin, obsessed with the look of this suit of armor.

"I don’t need money now, but I would trade it for an S-Class license." Han Sen pondered and said. He did not really need this suit of armor, but could save it for later. He could sell it as well, but not just for money.