Pet Evolution

In Han Sen’s room at Steel Armor Shelter, Han Sen was taken aback by the black tiger with a third eye on its forehead in front of him. The tiger’s claws looked like they were made from black metal. Han Sen could not believe it was Meowth that he was looking at. What was more surprising to him was the change in Meowth’s data.

Type of beast soul of sacred-blood three-eyed cat: pet (transformed and evolved).

The words were easy to understand, but shocking nonetheless. After eating some meat of mutant phantom ants, Meowth started to transform as a mutant pet. But after the transformation was over, it became a sacred-blood pet, which was something Han Sen had never heard of before.

Han Sen repeatedly confirmed the word sacred-blood, and decided to go back to the Alliance and look it up on the Skynet. "How could this happen? I have read a lot about beast soul pets, but never knew a pet could evolve."

After a lot of searching, he finally found a relevant post on the Polar Night Forum.