Sparring with A Beauty

But Han Sen misunderstood one thing. He thought there was an operator in each SKTS in the array, and was prepared to be thrown into a group fight. Hence, he thought he should get rid of the first warframe coming at him as fast as possible, so that it would be easier for him to deal with the rest.

Liu Changming and the director of the commercial Xu Wenchang were monitoring Han Sen’s practice through a monitor. Suddenly seeing a SKTS moving, they both paused.

And then Liu Changming suddenly knew what was happening and his face became grave. "It must be Yu Qianxun. This is such nonsense."

Ready to ask someone to stop her, Liu Changming rose up but was stopped by Xu Wenchang, who smiled and said, "Liu, it is okay. You said Han Sen is a warframe genius, so wouldn’t it be brilliant if he could just beat her so that she would play her role willingly?"