A New Era of Warframe

"Lili, hurry! The live stream of the SKTS launch is about to start. You won’t make it if you don’t run." After class, Ji Yanran and Qu Lili quickly ran across the campus.

Out of breath when back in their dormitory, Qu Lili saw Ji Yanran turning her device on and watching the SKTS launch. She was quite relieved and said, "Fortunately we made it."

"You are doomed Yanran. Are you still that girl who is the goddess of all guys and does not even spare them a glance? You just fell in Han Sen’s laps," Qu Lili looked at Ji Yanran’s expression and said incredulously.

Ji Yan suddenly blushed, "Who said I was looking at him? I simply want to check SKTS out. It’s an epoch-making product."

"Ha! The product? Why do you stare at the contestants then?" Qu Lili asked

with a faint smile.

Ji Yanran continued to quibble, "That is because he promised me his prize. Otherwise I will never look at him."