All It Took

Fang Mingquan sent Wen Xiuxiu to Blackhawk not to fool her.

Wen Xiuxiu was from an important family and as someone who cared about his future, Fang Mingquan had to take good care of her. He knew Han Sen would also participate in the game, and that was why he had sent Wen to Blackhawk.

The moment Wen’s show began, he promoted it in his own show and many of his loyal fans and audience tuned to her program.

Fang Mingquan was now doing great. All his shows had been successful. As he promoted Wen’s show, Wen suddenly had more than ten million audience watching.

In fact, this competition was not very high-profile. Even some were paying attention, it was likely that they were on the St. Germain’s side, since that was the stronger team with Nalan Chengnuo there.

As for Blackhawk, they would have even less attention if their opponent was not St. Germain.