
Yang Manli also saw the video. Because of the timestamp of the video, it was easy for her to tell that it was Han Sen in it.

Looking at Han Sen, Yang Manli got goosebumps. This kind of performance would be any archers ultimate pursuit.

He was more than accurate. It was like he could predict everything.

No matter for archers or snipers, the toughest thing was never the accuracy, but the judgment under complex situations. Obviously, Han Sen was one of the best archers she had seen in this aspect.

He did not aim at any target when he made the shot, but was able to tell where the target was going to be.

Yang Manli felt a chill. If she and Han Sen were shooting at each other, she might not even be able to make a single shot.

It was a feeling hard to describe.

"Qin Xuan was right. He is a natural," thought Yang Manli, after finishing watching the video.