Five Arrows

Feng Jiulun did have his own reasons to praise his nephew, who was indeed a strong archer.

Fang Wending had great techniques and was good at commanding the team. In the Military Academy League, he could absolutely be counted as a top player.

If it was not for Han Sen, he could easily lead Smith to beat a good team.

"Let's go occupy the heights first and seek opportunities to fight back," said Xu Tianhao.

"Captain, I don't think that's necessary. We are completely capable of fighting them head-on," Zhang Yang suggested.

Lu Meng also said, "We haven't been practicing as a team for long. If we fight them far away, our teamwork would not be very impressive. We should go over there and keep them close. Han Sen is such a good archer that he could even finish them off himself."

"What do you say, Han Sen?" asked Xu Tianhao.

"It's just Smith. We will win anyway," Han Sen smiled and said.