A Different Cloud Beast

"This is incredible hunger." Riding on Meowth, Han Sen was about to starve. He had eaten more than 10 pounds of mutant meat. If he continued to eat, his stomach would probably explode.

However, in addition to the feeling of hunger, Han Sen also felt energetic. The two contrastive feelings filled his body, which made Han Sen understand why the previous volunteers would give up. It was definitely a cruel torture.

As Han Sen practiced more, both feelings got stronger. Han Sen had hunted a lot of mutant creatures on his way and ate their meat, but it did not help.

While feeling the incredible hunger, Han Sen also felt his strength was improving rapidly and even his heart was beating stronger.

On the map from Huangfu Pingqing, all the paths had been tested by different teams in Ares Martial Hall, so none of the paths were dangerous.

Even the riskier parts of the paths were marked clearly, and solutions or tips were always provided.