Beast Souls of Second God’s Sanctuary

Yang Zikun did not ask Han Sen to meet in God's Sanctuary, but managed to get Han Sen out of Blackhawk and took him to a private club.

Han Sen had little faith in the so-called closed-door military training at this point. Those with means could always open the doors.

"Mister, you did not go through all this trouble just to drink with me, right?" Sitting on the couch, Han Sen asked Yang Zikun who was sitting opposite him.

"Brother, today I asked you to come both to learn boomerang skills from you and to ask for a favor." Yang Zikun was very polite to Han Sen. Since Han Sen beat him at boomerang, Yang Zikun had thought of Han Sen as a master.

Yang Zikun had spent a lot of time practicing butterfly boomerang recently, but the effect was not ideal. He had asked a lot of masters to gain a bit progress. However, if he wanted to reach Han Sen's level, it would take him years of hard work.