A Sword for Your Life

"Han Sen!" Su Xiaoqiao suddenly became pale. If Mr. Yu were to attack Han Sen, there was no way Han Sen could beat an evolver.

Han Sen sat still on the three-eyed beast. He had already sold the tornado wolf, and Meowth was not the best ride, which was why Han Sen had been riding three-eyed beast on this trip.

Mr. Yu's was holding a beast soul sword, which looked like a sacred-blood beast soul.

Han Sen squinted his eyes at Mr. Yu's sword, which was exactly what he needed at this point.

Mr. Yu rushed to Han Sen, cutting his silver sword at Han Sen's neck like a lightning bolt.

Those with Mr. Yu did not move. It seemed they were enjoying the show. Mr. Yu was an evolver, so there was no one who could threaten him in First God's Sanctuary.

Shortly, everyone opened their eyes wide. As the sword was about to cut Han Sen snack, Han Sen suddenly reached out a hand and clipped the sword with two fingers.