Sacred-Blood Beast Soul of Bony Fish

Han Sen used some common approaches he learned from the school, trying to wake the rest of the group up, but none of the approaches seemed to be working. No wonder Zhu Ting was so proud of his drugs.

"Stop wasting your energy. Without my antidote, they cannot wake up from the knockout drops. If they don't wake up in three days, they would become vegetables, and even I cannot save them." Although Zhu Ting had a swollen face, he was smiling happily.

The one thing Zhu Ting was scared of was that Han Sen did not need anything from him. As long as what Han Sen needed something, he had ways to protect himself.

Seeing that Han Sen was silent, Zhu Ting continued, "Don't try to search for the antidote on me either. It's too important for me to take it with me. If you know how to make drugs, you can use the materials I have to make the antidote. Or I can make it for you."

"You think I would care about their life and death?" Han Sen looked at Zhu Ting, interested.