The Plan to Max Out Sacred Geno Points

Ning Yue did not stop Han Sen but still sent for someone to follow him. Although Han Sen felt he was followed, he did not mean to get rid of the tail. Han Sen returned to Steel Armor Shelter as usual.

Ning Yue received the message and frowned. Is it true that he did not kill the super creature?

The super creature had at least 400 pounds of meat. In such a short amount of time, it was impossible for Han Sen to finish the meat. If he hid the meat somewhere, then he should not have gone back to Steel Armor Shelter.

After all, meat went bad easily. If Han Sen hid the meat away, after he returned from Steel Armor Shelter, the meat would no longer be edible.

If he had not killed the creature, where did the creature go? Ning Yue felt something was wrong but could not tell what.

Han Sen went back to Steel Armor Shelter, wondering where he could kill a few sacred-blood creatures to max out his sacred geno points and help the golden rock worm king transform.