Not Interested

Being able to be instructed by Jia Sidao himself was the dream of many among the celebrities and aristocrats. However, Han Sen was not really interested in it.

If it was before, Han Sen would consider it. Jia Sidao was a demigod after all, and Iron Fist was one of the most well-known hyper geno arts.

However, since he got his hands on Dongxuan Sutra, Han Sen had been studying the ancient language. Although he still did not understand everything, the parts that he understood made him overjoyed.

Rather than wasting his time on learning Iron Fist, Han Sen would rather spend his time on the ancient language. If he could understand Dongxuan Sutra, it would be very easy for him to become a demigod himself.

However strong Iron Fist was, it could never make him tear the vacuum apart, let alone teleport to God's Sanctuary using his own body.