Golden Rubik's Cube

Entering the black crystal gate, Han Sen felt his eyes were prickling from the blinding light. Ji Yanran gave Han Sen a pair of glasses, which made it much easier for him after putting it on.

Inspecting the patterns carved on the tunnel, he still did not understand what they meant. After going through the tunnel, the two reached a corridor with many rooms on the sides. Han Sen took a look and found several rooms had been opened.

He winked at Ji Yanran, and the couple sneaked into the first room that had been opened. Looking inside, they found the room was quite small, only about one hundred square feet. It was empty as well.

They carefully looked into several other rooms and found they were all empty.

"Li Mingtang must have taken what was inside," Ji Yanran said after a while.

"How do you know there used to be something?" Han Sen asked, puzzled.