Berserk Gargoyle

The injury on Han Sen's chest had stopped bleeding. Although he had made the decision to attack the moment he saw the spirit girl shifting into a warrior, Han Sen executed the attack perfectly with his peerless control of his body and timing.

Although the slim silver sword pierced his body, Han Sen managed to avoid it hitting any of his inner organs. It stabbed him in the gap between his heart and lung. In addition, his heart was the toughest of his inner organs because of the Heresy Mantra. It was probably even tougher than his muscles, which was why Han Sen dared to take such a great risk. It looked very scary, but the danger was not so great and the result was more than worth it.

If it had been a normal fight, the spirit might have been more careful. Han Sen might not even have been her match. Without any special tactics, it wouldn't have been possible for him to kill her so fast.