The Other Guard

"I'm sorry, captain. I messed up," Tie Yi said wryly to the good-looking man sitting next to him, as he lay on the bed in the hospital.

"Kitty cat, don't feel sorry for yourself. A man can only grow in mistakes. If a man never makes a mistake, it only means that he is a dedicate flower that has never seen storms. You are still a kitty cat right now, but after experiencing mistake after mistake, you will become the true Tiger of Blueblood one day. Mistakes are not bad for you. As long as you have not died yet, those mistakes will nourish you eventually," the good-looking man said with a smile.

"Captain…" A hunk as strong as Tie Yi almost sobbed.

"To cry after being beaten is not Blueblood style." The good-looking man patted Tie Yi on the head lovingly.

If anyone had seen the scene, they would definitely have felt weird or even amused.