Strange Creatures

Han Sen was excited. Already, he was preparing to search for another high-class lonely creature of the sea. But all of a sudden, he felt goosebumps, and his chirpy mood was quashed by a foreboding sense of dread.

"Stop! Don't move!" Han Sen called out to the Mermaid Princess to stop the Crystal Palace. He also wanted the little angel to stop what she was doing and stop moving completely.

As far as they knew, the Crystal Palace was indestructible. Now that he was safely inside, there should have been no danger. But still, Han Sen felt something wasn't quite right. He couldn't shake the feeling that something awful was about to occur, and because of the worry, his body kept breaking out in cold sweats.

Ever since he had learnt the first tier of Jadeskin, his perception had heightened and its sensitivity had continued growing. Han Sen was a man who put a lot of stock in his ability to perceive what was happening.