
As they neared the island, they espied three people standing on the shoreline. Two men and a woman, each clad in beast soul armor. They looked refined and elegant, and it was plain to see that these were not ordinary evolvers.

"Big Sis, what took you so long?" the woman yelled from afar.

The woman was quite short, and despite looking quite beautiful, displayed a hint of laziness.

"There was a rock in the road, so I had to delay my arrival by an extra couple of days," Queen explained. Although she was a proud woman, she was not unreasonable.

"Big Sis, who is this man?" The woman seemed surprised to see Han Sen standing by Queen.

After the two men greeted Queen as well, they too seemed to have been alarmed by Han Sen's presence.

"His name is Han Sen, and I wish to propose his inclusion on our team," Queen merely said, foregoing any detailed introduction.