The Child of a Super Creature

The bone elephant continued to sit beneath the tree without moving. A while later, Han Sen heard a noise come from deeper within the peach forest, a sound that seemed to be coming their way.

It wasn't long before it appeared. It was a small pink snake, slithering towards the giant peach tree. Quietly, it rested against the base of it.

A blue tiger appeared from another direction and also sat down near the tree.

Wings could be heard flapping in the sky, and looking up, a red-crowned crane was descending to the ground near the tree, to join in with the other creatures.

And soon after that, a black bear arrived, carrying a cub. It also sat down near the bottom of the tree.

In a short amount of time, many creatures had gathered at the base of the tree. Han Sen was shocked at what he was seeing, particularly so due to how special and unique they all looked. He thought they might all have been super creatures.