A Shelter For One

Watching an extra large orange furball approach with haste, the silver fox that was still perched on Han Sen's shoulder moved before its master could.

The silver fox's hair all stood up, and a charge of silver light began to form across its pelt. With a fierce discharge, a silver thunderbolt struck the super creature that the short-haired lady referred to as Little Orange.

"Meow! Aaargh!" The shrill shriek of the cat, and the sharp scream of pain from the lady that mounted it, sounded at the same time. The hair of Little Orange all stood on end following the strike, and the hair of the short-haired lady looked as if it had been set ablaze. Unmoving, she fell from the back of the cat.

Little Orange, after its shock, blazed with anger and leapt towards Han Sen and the silver fox.