Really Didn't Teach You?

Luo Sulan smiled and said, "Technically, there are two problems. First, I was exiled from my family for running off to marry your father. As such, I can hardly be considered a part of the Luo family. Second, you're asking why we were bullied by our second uncles and aunties? That's a little harder to explain. We owe them; let's leave it at that."

"We owe them? What is that supposed to mean?" Han Sen didn't expect that answer, and he ended up looking at Luo Sulan with surprise.

"I'm not sure. But that is what your father told me, actually. He never told me the details, however." Luo Sulan smiled as she spoke.

"My father... did he really die?" Han Sen's heart always held onto the glimmer of hope his father might still be alive. Following his accident, no body had actually been retrieved, after all.