Mysterious Metal Door

Doused in the bright holy light, the army of creatures elected to halt their advance. They just stood there, watching the rhino rise anew like the sun.

Although the light was bright, it did not harm your eyes to look on it. It was warm and accepting. While Han Sen watched the flames, the bones crumbled away like petals from flowers.

As the bones were shaved away, the beast became smaller and the light grew brighter. The bones that remained shone like jade.

The rhino that was originally as big as a mountain was humbled as its bones petered away into dust. It wasn't long before its size was equal to that of an average Earth rhino. Its bones had been refined into transparent crystals, through which coursed a holy light.

Within that holy light, Han Sen was able to witness something utterly unbelievable. The bones were birthing new flesh. Skin and flesh returned, as if the rhino was being reborn.