A King with Seventy-Two Wives

After Han Sen woke up, he logged into the virtual training camp. Qin Xuan was already online, and she wasted no time in inviting him to a lobby.

"Coach, I have decided to learn Empirical Sword," Qin Xuan told him directly.

"Okay," Han Sen said. The way he saw things, Qin Xuan was a woman who could do anything. She surmounted challenges of all sorts easily, and it was difficult to grasp that feeling with the other men he knew. He thought Empirical Sword would suit her just fine.

They both matched against each other again, but this time, there was someone in the audience. It was a middle-aged gentleman.

Qin Xuan thought her great grandfather was a strange man. He was incredibly old, but upon making his virtual avatar, he created a delicate and handsome middle-aged man. He had also taken to flirting with other online girls, something which annoyed her quite a bit.