Little Silver's Hunt for Treasure

Han Sen ventured back into the mountains in the hopes of tracking more super creatures. Although there were many super creatures, he couldn't just go for any. Furthermore, he had to find second-generation ones, which greatly narrowed those he could deem to be appropriate targets.

"When will I be able to take down the Devil-Blood King's shelter? There must be many second-generation super creatures in a place such as that." Han Sen thought about the prospect with greed.

But they were thoughts and nothing more. With his power at its current level, he knew that he would be unable to deal with so many super creatures all at once. Thoughts and fantasies of such a daring venture were all he could conjure about it.

Exiting a particular valley, Han Sen noticed he was leaving the mountain ranges behind him. Having searched all that time, he felt disheartened at his inability to locate a second-generation super creature.