Ancient Hall

Han Sen returned from Han Lei's house with a box of items.

While Han Sen was there, his uncle repeatedly mentioned his debts. Han Sen eventually gave him some money.

This was not him being nice, though. He wondered if there was something more of his father's that might have been hidden from him. Perhaps the gift of money would prompt his uncle to give it to him.

Back in his home, Han Sen started to dig through the wares. There were two jackets, documents, various tools, communicators, and a smartwatch datapad that was like a wrist-laptop.

After rummaging through the items, Han Sen ultimately came to the conclusion that there was nothing all that special. Most of the physical documents were work-related, so there was nothing revelatory amongst what he had received.

The datapad was forty years old, too, so that had almost zero monetary value at this point. But that wasn't where its worth would lie.