Three Years

Stuck there in the valley, with no immediate concerns, Han Sen was bored and had nothing to do. Aside from chatting with Thorn Baron and taking care of Bao'er, he spent all his time practicing the Blood-Pulse Sutra.

Perhaps it was because he had a lot of fruit, the speed in which he could practice had vastly increased, and he unlocked the next gene lock in a few short days.

His Blood-Pulse Sutra was developing very quickly, but the same could not be said for the Dongxuan Sutra.

Han Sen put a stop to his practice of the Dongxuan Sutra to wholly focus on the Blood-Pulse Sutra, for the time being.

And that was all he could do. As boring as it may have been, at least it was beneficial for his personal growth.

When he was a little worn out, though, he'd take the time to investigate the valley and examine the earthenware a little more closely, and perhaps even see if he could unearth a clue or come up with a solution to his dilemma.