Phoenix Headlight

Han Sen wanted to approach the doors and examine them, but Brother Seven stopped him and said, "This place is dangerous. Don't do anything reckless."

"Isn't that where the Phoenix Eye might reside?" Han Sen asked.

Brother Seven turned to look at the images of a phoenix and said, "A phoenix is a bird that has died, and is then reborn from the ashes of its prior form. Typically, dead is dead, and you don't get to come back from that. But there have been rare instances of resurrection in the past."

Brother Seven noticed that the claws of each phoenix were painted around the door knockers. Each door had a knocker.

When Brother Seven saw this, he said, "On my signal, we knock on the door three times."

Han Sen nodded and moved over to the left door's knocker.

The door was massive. It would have been impossible for one person to use both door knockers at the same time, so the duo had to co-operate.