Life Door

Back in his room, Han Sen started to read the scroll he had been given. He was quite surprised.

He thought he had received another copy of the Blood-Pulse Sutra, and that was what Uncle Bug had found all those years ago. This was actually a different Qi Gong, and it was called Life Door.

Life Door was a supportive Qi Gong; something to strengthen a person's inner body.

It was not too dissimilar to Heresy Mantra or Hidden Blood, in concept. Life Door, however, did not apply to a single organ. It strengthened a door inside a person's body; one that was called the Life Door.

The scroll said that to practice Life Door would enhance your entire body.

But to complete Life Door, you would have to reach a certain level.

Han Sen tried practicing Life Door, and after spending a few days with it, his body already felt better. Still, he knew it'd take far longer than that to open the Life Door itself.